Friday, October 19, 2012

What this Country has come to....

It is really a shame that this is what the country has come to. There are people all over that don't have nearly half of what we do and yet we still complain about what we have and find a way to make it sound justified. Maybe the way it is portrayed in this video is comedic but it is just sad that the reactions in it are pretty much true. Just some food for thought

NY Times Articles

The BlackBerry as the Black Sheep: Oct. 17th

The once powerful and dominate company BlackBerry has seemed to fall to waste side in the smart phone race that has taken over the nation. According to New York Times, the percentage of BlackBerry users at a 10th of a precent from what it was 3 years ago (currently 5%). That means bad things for RIM, the software provider for BlackBerry. Major companies, and even the White House, have been switching their phones to iPhones or android phones. One saving grace to the BlackBerry is the presence of a PHYSICAL keyboard. Other than that, there isn't really too much they have going for them.

This article topic is very prevalent in my life right now. I have many friends that have traded in their BlackBerry, which the term CrackBerry was starting to be used, for iPhones and Droids. I have never had a one myself but I know that I glad I haven't just because of all the problems and horror stories I've heard.

Hey, That's My Ethics Professor Cursing Up There on the Stage: Oct 19th

Business students got a rude awakening in their business ethics class at Fairfield University. The typically relaxed and practical professor was not that in the least. In a collaboration between the art and science school and business school, professor Schimdt read a very explosive and forward monologue from Glengarry Glenn Ross that was rich with profanity. Needless to say, the students surprised, caught of guard, and a little bit nervous about the outburst. The meaning behind it was to give them a look into the real world of business and prepare them for situations they might be faced with.

When I read this article I couldn't help but laugh some. It is not uncommon to find my professors slipping a few curse words into their lectures and have them be very blunt about what life will be like after college. So naturally I found it funny that people would have a nervous, appalled, and taken back reaction to seeing their professor like that. But I also think it was a GREAT idea because it gives the students a first hand look at what they face after they graduate.